Students make their own way to Tofino, arriving on or before May 5th. You can fly either to Vancouver Airport or to Victoria Airport. From the Vancouver airport you must get yourself to the Vancouver bus terminal (at 1150 Station Street). From there you take the Tofino Bus via Horseshoe Bay to Tofino. Similarly, from the Victoria Airport you must catch the Tofino Bus from the Victoria Bus Terminal (at 721 Douglas Street).
Note that Tofino Bus leaves Vancouver and Victoria early in the day and so you may need to arrive the night before and stay in a hostel. Please pay attention to connections when booking your flights.
It is also possible to fly directly from Vancouver airport to Tofino with Pacific Coastal Airlines.
March 16th - Supply a $500 deposit to Pam Armitage in the Philosophy department (pam.armitage@uoguelph.ca). Cheques are payable to The University of Guelph.
There will be three meetings in April to prepare for our departure. Meetings will be held in Guelph at a time convenient for all participants. The aim of these visits is to plan our visit and to develop individual research questions.
May 5th Arrive at the Whalers on the Point Guesthouse, in Tofino.
May 6th – 8th Meet with stakeholders in Tofino (see below).
May 8th – 11th Travel by water taxi to Hooksum Outdoor School, traditional Hesquiaht Territory.
May 11th Return to Whalers on the Point in Tofino.
May 12-16th Continue meeting with local stakeholders, including a trip to Wild Pacific Trail and Ucluelet Aquarium.
June & July, students work on individual research projects due at the end of semester.